Are you trying to keep your routine or are you just starting one.
Either way good on you. It may take awhile to start a new one. Just do not give up.
If you miss a day then pick it back up as soon as you remember. Set reminders on your phone or calendar, maybe leave notes around your space.
I am trying to keep my routine. Besides all of my mommy duties and work full time my goal is to keep this:
Once a week updates
SHH It's Just Life
Once a week I am taking the time to follow an art tutorial, this is to help me get back to creating art all of the time. I do have a BA in Art but I do not use it daily.
The new routine that I would like to start is learning how to program again. I minored in computer science and really wish that I had completed that degree. I had my oldest and I was told that I would always find a job using my art... LIES.. not for everyone just did not work for my style at the time... That and the theft of my work by a family member, this led to me being accused of plagiarism. I was crushed, I was being accused of stealing my own work. That is a story for another time. Long story short. I did not finish my degree in computer science just the art.
Do not let people try and take your goals away from you and do not let yourself stand in your own way! Do not give up ever! You always have time. Just do not make the excuse that you do not.