The last few weeks have blurred together. Things did not go as planned. Nothing really does. I have learned a few things these last few days.
Little B came early! Then decided to stick her tongue out and head to the NICU. She is still there but getting better. I am so thankful for all of these nurses caring for these little lives. They are so caring and understanding that we are not at our best.
So, first thing. New mother's should not be hounded to fill out paper work until 24hrs plus after delivery. I have messed up so much paperwork. I don't remember talking to people or signing stuff. Wait until the meds are out of our system or we've had a bit of sleep!
Next, the need to be near our baby is so strong that we will make that trip to the Nicu and forgo meds and food just to be near them. This needed up with me getting sick and needing meds pushed through my IV to keep me from having a stroke. - I am getting better and stepped down off of my new meds.
Finally, some babies just don't like the taste of mom's milk. This was a surprise. I'm a big fan of fed is best. If you can breast feed, do it. If you can't, no worries. The goal is a fed healthy baby. No judging here.
Okay, thank you for reading this ramble. Now back to cleaning that was meant to be done before her birth.